Thursday, May 6, 2021

Parker Solar Probe records first-ever horrific sound from Venus

 NASA's Parker Solar Probe records first-ever horrific sound from Venus, scientists engaged in investigation

Parker Solar Probe

Parker Solar Probe of the US space agency NASA has recorded the horrific sound coming from the planet Venus. It is being told that this voice was coming from the upper atmosphere of Venus.

Parker Solar Probe of the US space agency NASA has recorded horrific sound and radio signals coming from the planet Venus. It is being told that this sound was coming from the upper atmosphere of Venus. NASA launched this probe in 2018 to study the sun. He heard this terrible voice when the probe passed over Venus while orbiting the sun. NASA has said that by examining the sound received from the natural radio signal coming from Venus, we can get more information about the atmosphere of this planet called the twin sister of the Earth.

Record done while flying near Venus

Parker Solar Probe recorded this sound on 11 July 2020, when Venus flew for the third time. At that time the distance between Parker Probe and Venus was only 832 kilometers. Parker Probe has also flown twice around Venus in the past, but has never been so close. This probe is operated by NASA's Goddard Space Center.

This spacecraft has gone to study the sun

Parker Solar Probe records the voice and radio signal coming from Venus while studying the sun. This probe is trying to get close to the sun during every round. NASA said that by the year 2025, the probe is planned to reach 4.3 million miles of sun. If this probe tolerates the heat of the sun, it will be brought closer.

Venus data found for the first time in the last 30 years

This data is said to be the first direct measurement of Venus' weather in the last 30 years. The new study found that Venus's upper atmosphere undergoes changes on a solar cycle. Venus is considered the hottest planet in the solar system because Mercury's atmosphere has been destroyed due to its proximity to the Sun. Due to which he is not able to absorb heat.

Spacecraft rarely go on Venus due to the heat of the atmosphere

According to NASA, both Earth and Venus are twin worlds. Both these planets are mountainous, of similar size and structure. But, the path of both is different from the beginning. Venus lacks a magnetic field. Its surface temperature is so high that even lead is melted. The spacecraft sent to study this planet also cannot tolerate heat.

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