Colorful clouds on Mars(NASA)
Colorful clouds seen on Mars, spectacular images taken by NASA's rover ...

By the way, a study is going on for the premature arrival of clouds over Mars. Clouds generally form on Mars during the winter time above their equator. That is, the coldest time of Mars is seen at that time. But in this season there is neither winter season nor cold time. NASA scientists have started research on clouds since the end of January. Because at the same time it is common to see clouds. (Photo: NASA)

The team working on the data of Curiosity Rover has discovered a new information by searching these clouds. These clouds are very high above the surface of Mars, while the occasional cloud is visible only at an altitude of up to 60 kilometers above the surface. The clouds that Curiosity Rover has taken are at a very high altitude, and there is a lot of winter there. It is believed that these clouds may have formed due to the freezing of carbon dioxide. (Photo: NASA)

Scientists are currently investigating these clouds, after studying it will be known whether they are clouds made of water, or they are clouds made of dry ice. Dry ice is usually made from the solidification of carbon dioxide. These clouds were photographed by the Curiosity rover's black-and-white navigation camera. However, their color photos have been taken from the mast cam mounted on the Curiosity Rover. These clouds appeared just after sunset. (Photo: NASA)

When the sun starts to set, the ice crystals start shining, because the light comes from such a direction that it starts looking blue. The cloud formed from this is called Twilight Clouds. It is also called Noctilucent. It means a cloud with a shining night. As the amount of ice crystals in the clouds increases, their brightness also increases. Their height as well. (Photo: Getty)

Mark Lemon, an atmospheric scientist at the Colorado-based Space Science Institute, says that even more beautiful views show clouds than Mother of Peral. When pastel shades of clouds appear in the clouds and the size of the particles that form the clouds is equal, then it is called Mother of Pearl clouds. They are formed when clouds are formed at the same time by icy crystals of equal size. At the same time, they are simultaneously gaining height. (Symbolic photo: Getty)

The formation of clouds on
Mars is highly unlikely, but NASA's Curiosity Rover has taken a picture of the clouds above the Gayle crater. The atmosphere of Mars is so light and thin that the formation of clouds here is almost impossible. But seeing the photos of the clouds, scientists all over the world are happy and surprised. Curiosity Rover has captured this picture after spending two years on Mars. No such picture had come before this. Scientists are studying the formation of clouds over Curiosity Rover. (Photo: NASA)
The kind of clouds that Curiosity Rover has taken are very thin. They contain fine ice crystals, due to which sunlight is being reflected. Different colors are also visible in the clouds. These are the rainbow clouds of Mars. These clouds are not only beautiful views, but are also the best opportunity for scientists to study. Scientists will find out through them that how did they become? Whereas, there is no water on the surface of Mars. (Photo: NASA)
Mark Lemon said that the sight of such clouds on the red planet is a surprise in itself. Although these clouds are quite colorful. If you could roam with Curiosity Rover, you could see the sight of these colorful clouds with your eyes open. Although they would disappear in a while, but such a sight is rare on Mars. (Symbolic photo: NASA)