ISRO Shukrayaan 1 mission
What is the name of India's Venus mission?
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has already proposed a mission to Venus dubbed ‘Shukrayaan-1,<शुक्रयान 1> which will orbit the planet and focus on the chemistry of its atmosphere.
Venus is the second planet from the Sun. As the second-brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon, Venus can cast shadows and can be, on rare occasions, visible to the naked eye in broad daylight.
Why is Venus?
All things considered, Venus is fundamentally the same as earth as far as size and thickness. Actually, it's known as Earth's detestable twin. Additionally, Venus has an exceptionally thick climate. The air is thick to the point that it very well may be concentrated from Earth. Notwithstanding these similitudes, for what reason did venus and Earth followed various ways? Appears as though this is a significant inquiry to be replied to.
The air of Venus is extremely different. A few districts are nearly earth-like while a few areas have the breeze blowing more than 350 km/h and others with very hot temperatures of 450 degrees.
Additionally, the CO2-rich climate of Venus is significant as far as examination and study. This investigation will assist with deciding the impact of expanding levels of CO2 here on Earth. The Venusian climate contains about 97% CO2.
Thus, Venus is one of the nearest planets to Earth. The nearest separation is conceivable like clockwork. While the nearest separation to defaces is conceivable just at regular intervals.
We will refresh this article if more data is delivered about Shukrayaan 1. Until further notice, here's more data about planet Venus.
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ISRO will deploy a helium balloon to the surface of Venus it will be 55 km above the surface at 55 km above the surface the pressure is similar to earth. Venus's gravity is also close to the earth.
Science payload
The science payload would have a mass of 100 kg and would consist of instruments from India and other countries. As of December 2019, 16 Indian and 7 international payloads have been shortlisted. Some of them will be selected.
MADE IN Indian instruments
shukrayaan 1 helping country
Terahertz devises to generate powerful radar pulses. Proposed by NASA.
Two Russian payloads by the Russian Space Research Institute and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology have been shortlisted, both would study the atmosphere of Venus
VIRAL (Venus InfraRed Atmospheric gases Linker) by Space research Institute, Moscow & LATMOS, France
IVOLGA: A laser heterodoxy NIR spectrometer for studying of structure and dynamics of the Venusian mesosphere.
What will it study?
There are three main goals of the Shukrayaan 1 mission. These three main areas of research include the following:
First of all, Understand the atmospheric formation, evolution, and history of Venus. Secondly, Study the surface of Venus. Thirdly, study the atmospheric interaction with solar radiation.
What will it study?
History of Venus exploration
The investigation missions to Venus initially started in 1961 with the Soviet space programs, trailed by NASA—with bunches of hits and misses in arriving at the planet. NASA's Mariner 2 was the principal shuttle to accomplish a fly by and filter Venus in December 1962. For the Soviets, the Venera 4 was the primary shuttle to investigate the environment of the planet in 1964.
From that point forward, in excess of 40 shuttle have investigated this cloud-secured world, similarly at a lesser recurrence lately. The latest orbiter missions to contemplate earth has been the European Space Agency's Venus Express (2005), and the Japanese space organization JAXA's Akatsuki mission, which was dispatched in 2010.
The Mariner 2 was effective in confirming that temperatures were a lot cooler towards the higher mists yet very hot on a superficial level. In this manner, numerous researchers accept that conditions could be considerably more livable among the billows of Venus, contrasted with its surface.
shukrayaan 1 launch date
December 2024 or mid-2026
ISRO was aiming for a mid-2023 launch when it released its call for instruments in 2018.