Today we will learn about ISRO's secretive reusable rocket programme. This Program is called ADMIRE. ADMIRE full form is not in the public domain but it possibly means Advanced Mission and Recovery Experiments. ADMIRE will be a demonstrating platform on Which ISRO will demonstrate it's VTVL capability.
which means vertical takeoff and vertical landing.
So the rocket will take off vertically and the 1st stage, in this case, will land vertically. Just like the SpaceX rockets Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy. This will be a very important capability for India if it wants to move towards Re usability. These are the only official images from ISRO. These images were added to presentations ISRO presented at International Conferences. I have picked these up from there. Let's dig into the details. Starting from the bottom you can see landing legs. There's a Vikas engine, which can be identified from the shape of the combustion chamber. There are fins near the legs, on top, there are grid fins. then the nose cone on top. Now it depends on how the test will be performed.
SpaceX, before attempting landing with their Falcon 9 1st Stage .... they tested their landing models on a small rocket called Grasshopper. as you can see Grasshopper was a small rocket booster which verified their landing models. It went up, hovered a bit and came back down in one of the tests. Many were speculating this could be a grasshopper-like test. I have my doubts on this claim. As you can see , the rocket has fins on the bottom. and fins only work if the rocket has some velocity or they will be a dead weight. I feel this rocket will go pretty high up. and then do a landing attempt. So we should expect a flight of a few kilometres. Because the fins are mostly for stabilization. for some reason, journalists don't ask such questions at press conferences. I don't know !!! probably not like grasshopper.
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Vikas Engine
Now ISRO might not be able to use a normal Vikas engine here. The engine needs the capability to restart. Engine fired. Liftoff. Shut Down. Fire again while landing. Hence we need a restarting engine to land. But in this case. Vikas engine uses hyperbolic fuels. Which means it doesn't have an igniter. So when the Oxidizer and fuel come in contact they burn on their own. So maybe it isn't as difficult to restart it? I'm not sure, maybe a subject matter expert can explain this.
Grid fins
Grid fins are very important SpaceX rockets too have these. earlier they used Aluminium grid fins, now they have switched to Titanium grid fins. Because Titanium is better at tolerating heat. and have to be replaced less often. Grid Fins will help steer the rocket. The 4 grid fins will help rocket control Pitch, Yaw, and Roll. As you can see in the SpaceX video So we do not have to you RCS Quite often. RCS meaning Reaction control System . small puffs of gas which come out ... of small nozzles placed around rockets to control its movements So we can aerodynamically control the rocket. So a big advantage during reentry. It will also help induce more drag on the rocket body to slow it down further and act as an air brake. and as a steering mechanism tooo...
We don't really know how the legs on ADMIRE will be. Will they be per deployed? can they be kept stowed during launch ? and open up when required? so many questions.. only ISRO knows the current design of ADMIRE. ISRO once in a statement had said That they will use a LASER altimeter during landing' India's own Navigation system NavIC will be used for Navigation. I have made a CRITICAL on NavIC vs GPS. LASER Altimeter will be used during landing. finding Altitude of the rocket using LASERSSSSSS maybe ISRO may use the LASER altimeter... developed for the Vikram Lander. Maybe they might use a similar version. nobody knows when it will launch? was suppose to be 2020, now 2021? next year? we might just see it this year ... my opinion on this ? See let's be clear ADMIRE is a test bed to verify their landing models. the learning from this will go into future rockets. We currently too don't have a proper reusable engine.
what is going to happen
first when ISRO could see what happens to an engine that has already taken flight. and to learn to refurbish a engine after flight also, know if it can be reused in the 1st place. Probably a variant of this rocket will be made in future Many people talk about ULV. The rumoured Unified Launch Vehicle. But the priorities of this have changed with every chairman. Looks like we are looking at GSLV MK 4 /5.... or maybe RLV and then in the end ULV maybe? We also need to make an engine which is very powerful and reusable. ISRO's upcoming SCE 200 ... Semi Cryogenic engine 200 want to make a ARTICLE on it soon.. if only we could make the engine reusable enough. because that engine is pretty powerful.... and a big rocket stage would be EPIC the most fruitful combination though will be when ISRO will combine this with RLV's future version. Imagine the 1st stage comes back and lands and we are able to recover the 2nd stage too So our current RLV , space shuttle like spacecraft ISRO is planning to scale the design up i am going to make a video soon on it both of them combined could make a TSTO two stage to orbit which will be very impressive then only will costs come down! the poverty of knowledge is real poverty. bably not like grasshopper. Now let's talk about Vikas Engine. Now ISRO might not be able to use a normal Vikas engine here. The engine needs the capability to restart. Engine fired. Liftoff. ShutDown. Fire again while landing. Hence we need a restarting engine to land. But in this case.. Vikas engine uses hypergolic fuels. Which means it doesn't have an ignitor. So when the Oxidiser and fuel come in contact they burn on their own. So maybe it isn't as difficult to restart it? I'm not sure, maybe a subject matter expert can explain this. Let's now talk about grid fins Grid fins are very important SpaceX rockets too have these. earlier they used Aluminium grid fins, now they have switched to Titanium grid fins. Because Titanium is better at tolerating heat. and have to be replaced less often. Grid Fins will help steer the rocket. The 4 grid fins will help rocket control Pitch, Yaw, and Roll. As you can see in the SpaceX video So we do not have to you RCS Quite often. RCS meaning Reaction control System . small puffs of gas which come out ... of small nozzles placed around rockets to control its movements So we can aerodynamically control the rocket. So a big advantage during reentry. It will also help induce more drag on the rocket body to slow it down further and act as an air brake. and as a steering mechanism tooo... Now let's talk about the legs We don't really know how the legs on ADMIRE will be. Will they be pre deployed? can they be kept stowed during launch ? and open up when required? so many questions.. only ISRO knows the current design of ADMIRE. ISRO once in a statement had said That they will use a LASER altimeter during landing' India's own Navigation system NavIC will be used for Navigation. I have made a video on NavIC vs GPS. LASER Altimeter will be used during landing. finding Altitude of the rocket using LASERSSSSSS maybe ISRO may use the LASER altimeter... developed for the Vikram Lander. Maybe they might use a similar version. nobody knows when it will launch? was suppose to be 2019, now 2020? next year? we might just see it this year ... my opinion on this ? See let's be clear ADMIRE is a testbed to verify their landing models. the learning from this will go into future rockets. We currently too don't have a proper reusable engine. Also, this will be a first when ISRO could see what happens to an engine that has already taken flight. and to learn to refurbish a engine after flight also, know if it can be reused in the 1st place. Probably a variant of this rocket will be made in future Many people talk about ULV. The rumoured Unified Launch Vehicle. But the priorities of this have changed with every chairman. Looks like we are looking at GSLV MK 4 /5.... or maybe RLV and then in the end ULV maybe? We also need to make an engine which is very powerful and reusable. ISRO's upcoming SCE 200 ... Semi Cryogenic engine 200 want to make a video on it soon.. if only we could make the engine reusable enough. because that engine is pretty powerful.... and a big rocket stage would be EPIC the most fruitfull combination though will be when ISRO will combine this with RLV's future version. Imagine the 1st stage comes back and lands and we are able to recover the 2nd stage too So our current RLV , space shuttle like sapcecraft ISRO is planning to scale the design up i am going to make a video soon on it both of them combined could make a TSTO two stage to orbit which will be very impressive then only will costs come down! the poverty of knowledge is real poverty.